Mau District Overview |
An official Census 2011 detail of Mau, a district of Uttar Pradesh has been released by Directorate of Census Operations in Uttar Pradesh. Enumeration of key persons was also done by census officials in Mau District of Uttar Pradesh. |
Mau District Population 2011 |
In 2011, Mau had population of 2,205,170 of which male and female were 1,114,888 and 1,090,282 respectively. In 2001 census, Mau had a population of 1,853,997 of which males were 933,523 and remaining 920,474 were females. Mau District population constituted 1.10 percent of total Maharashtra population. In 2001 census, this figure for Mau District was at 1.12 percent of Maharashtra population. |
Mau District Population Growth Rate |
There was change of 18.94 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001. In the previous census of India 2001, Mau District recorded increase of 28.23 percent to its population compared to 1991. |
Mau District Density 2011 |
The initial provisional data released by census India 2011, shows that density of Mau district for 2011 is 1,287 people per sq. km. In 2001, Mau district density was at 1,082 people per sq. km. Mau district administers 1,713 square kilometers of areas. |
Mau Literacy Rate 2011 |
Average literacy rate of Mau in 2011 were 75.16 compared to 62.16 of 2001. If things are looked out at gender wise, male and female literacy were 84.61 and 65.59 respectively. For 2001 census, same figures stood at 75.60 and 48.66 in Mau District. Total literate in Mau District were 1,411,217 of which male and female were 799,261 and 611,956 respectively. In 2001, Mau District had 919,974 in its district. |
Mau Sex Ratio 2011 |
With regards to Sex Ratio in Mau, it stood at 978 per 1000 male compared to 2001 census figure of 986. The average national sex ratio in India is 940 as per latest reports of Census 2011 Directorate. In 2011 census, child sex ratio is 946 girls per 1000 boys compared to figure of 946 girls per 1000 boys of 2001 census data. |
Mau Child Population 2011 |
In census enumeration, data regarding child under 0-6 age were also collected for all districts including Mau. There were total 327,500 children under age of 0-6 against 373,910 of 2001 census. Of total 327,500 male and female were 170,238 and 157,262 respectively. Child Sex Ratio as per census 2011 was 946 compared to 946 of census 2001. In 2011, Children under 0-6 formed 14.85 percent of Mau District compared to 20.17 percent of 2001. There was net change of -5.32 percent in this compared to previous census of India. |
Mau District Urban Population 2011 |
Out of the total Mau population for 2011 census, 22.66 percent lives in urban regions of district. In total 499,784 people lives in urban areas of which males are 256,497 and females are 243,287. Sex Ratio in urban region of Mau district is 948 as per 2011 census data. Similarly child sex ratio in Mau district was 955 in 2011 census. Child population (0-6) in urban region was 73,642 of which males and females were 37,666 and 35,976. This child population figure of Mau district is 14.68 % of total urban population. Average literacy rate in Mau district as per census 2011 is 79.28 % of which males and females are 84.81 % and 73.45 % literates respectively. In actual number 337,857 people are literate in urban region of which males and females are 185,586 and 152,271 respectively. |
Mau District Rural Population 2011 |
As per 2011 census, 77.34 % population of Mau districts lives in rural areas of villages. The total Mau district population living in rural areas is 1,705,386 of which males and females are 858,391 and 846,995 respectively. In rural areas of Mau district, sex ratio is 987 females per 1000 males. If child sex ratio data of Mau district is considered, figure is 915 girls per 1000 boys. Child population in the age 0-6 is 253,858 in rural areas of which males were 132,572 and females were 121,286. The child population comprises 15.44 % of total rural population of Mau district. Literacy rate in rural areas of Mau district is 73.95 % as per census data 2011. Gender wise, male and female literacy stood at 84.55 and 63.34 percent respectively. In total, 1,073,360 people were literate of which males and females were 613,675 and 459,685 respectively.
All details regarding Mau District have been processed by us after receiving from Govt. of India. We are not responsible for errors to population census details of Mau District. |
visit for more details |
Date of Formation: 19th November 1988
Area: 1713 square kilometers
Density of Population: 1287 people per square kilometer
Literacy Rate: 75.16 % - Male: 84.61 %, Female: 65.59 %
Male Female Ratio: 1000:978
Boundaries of Mau District
North: Gorakhpur District and Deoria District, Uttar Pradesh
South: Ghazipur District, Uttar Pradesh
East: Ballia District, Uttar Pradesh
West: Azamgarh District, Uttar Pradesh
Mau District Average Rainfall: 767.0 mm
Mau District Average Temperature in Summer: 33.69 deg C
Mau District Average Temperature in Winter: 16.51 deg C
Major Rivers: Ghaghara River, River Tamasa, River Tons, Choti Sarju
Tehsils: Madhuvan, Ghosi, Mohamdabad Gohna, Maunath Bhanjan
Blocks: Badraou, Dohrighat, Fatehpur Mandao, Ghosi, Kopaganj, Mohammadabad Gohna, Pardaha, Ranipur, Ratanpura
Assembly Constituencies: Madhuvan, Ghosi, Muhammadabad Gohna, Mau
Mau District Nearby Attractions
1. Sheetla Mata Mandir
2. Vandevi
Mau District Facts: This district is a part of Azamgarh Division.
Major Agricultural Products: Cotton, soybean, tur
Major Industries: Textile industry, powerloom
Major Educational Institutions: Central Academy, Fatima Convent School, Fatima School, Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Little Flower Children School, Smt. Ram Rati Devi Senior Secondary School, St. Joseph High School
What is Mau District Famous For: Weaving
Famous People From Mau District: Jharkhande Rai, Kalpnath Rai, Chandradeo Prasad Rajbhar, Laxmi Narayan Mishra |